Community of practice
A community of practice is a group of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. Etienne Wenger, 1991 in Situated Learning

VMAST is all about learning and striving to improve over time. While the tool can be used by both individuals and teams, it is easier and more fun when engaging in collaboration and knowledge exchange.
To support VMAST users World Heritage Catalysis is convening an online platform where people from around the World can come together in a community of practice. The community is open to everyone with an interest or 'stake' in World Heritage, and includes a free membership option.
Community inclusion
Access resources & ask the community
The community platform allows people to connect and learn from each other on the application of VMAST and supporting resources. If you have question related to VMAST or any of its topics, you can post your question to the community and thereby contribute to building a body of knowledge.
Through the 'knowledge commons' it seeks to connect specifically relevant resources already available in the public domain to the practice spaces mirroring VMAST.

The UNESCO 'How To' guides complementing VMAST in the World Heritage Sustainable Tourism Toolkit are examples of such relevant resources. In the community platform you can engage more directly with these and other resources.

Engage on topics of interest & improve practice
In the practice spaces Club and Catalyst members can come together around the 40 strategic objectives set out through VMAST.

The practice spaces allows you to connect with other community members to exchange knowledge and ask for support.
Each space include link lists to specifically relevant resources and service providers. They also allow members to meet and discuss in 'open space'.